Q.1 Which of the following sentences/sentence are/is correct?
1. Ox, buffaloes, goats sheep and pigs were domesticated by harappans.
2. They regarded cats and dogs as pets from beginning.
3. Harappans were well acquainted with rhinoceroses, elephants and camels.
4. They were using horses from very beginning for travelling.
A 1,2,3,4
B 1,2,3
C 1
D 1,2,4
The remains of the horses are reported from sutkotada situated in Gujarat but it is doubtful. In any case harappan culture was not horse centred.
Q.2 What is MELUHA?
A Ancient name given to the Indus region.
B Ornament wore by the Harappans.
C The tool used by harappans in farming.
D The name given to the king.
The Mesopotamia records from about 2350BC onwards refer trade relations with MELUHA which was the ancient name given to the Indus region. The Mesopotamian texts speaks of two intermediate trading stations called DILMUN AND MAKAN Lay between Mesopotamia and Meluha
Q.3 Match the following chalcolithic cultures with their sites.
1 Ahara culture
2 Kayatha culture
3 Malwa culture
4 Prabhas and Rangpur
1 Narmada and it’s tributaries.
2 ghelo and khalubhar river
3 chambal and it’s tributaries
4 Rajasthan and gilund.
1= 4,3,1,2
3= 1,2,3,4
The first metal age of India is called as a chalcolithic age which saw the use of copper along with stone. It was also called stone – copper age.
Savalda culture is located in Maharashtra
Q.4 Match the following sites with their archaeological findings
1 Lothal
2 Banwali
3 Kalibangan
4 Dholavira
1 ploughed field
2 largest site
3 shipbuilding
4 Terracotta replica of a plough.
A 1,2,3,4
B 3,4,1,2
C 4,3,2,1
D 2,3,4,1
Q 5
1 The towns were well planned and the streets cut each other on ninety degree angles
2 people had no civic sense of sanitation and no care for health and hygiene
3 The steatite was used for harappan seals.
4 copper and bronze vessels were made by them.
Which of the following sentences are correct
A= 1,2,3,4
B= 1,3,4
C= 1,2,3
D= 3,4
The towns were well planned and streets cut each other on the right angles even the width of these streets were in the set ratio. If the narrowest lane was one unit in width the other one were twice or thrice and so on width further the civic sense of people in this civilisation was such that during the hey day of the civilisation no encroachment on the street was to be seen.
Q. 6 The term “Mount of the dead ” was given to.
A Harappa
B Mohenjodaro.
C Kalibangan
D Ropar
Mohenjodaro was discovered by R. D BANNERJI.
Excavation revealed that the mounds contain the remains of what once the largest city of Indus civilisation
Q7 At which site the evidence of burring dog and human together had been found?
A kot diji
B Ropar
C Dholavira
D Kalibangan
Q 8
1 The harappans culture belongs to bronze age
2 Bronze was made by mixing tin with copper
3 The potters wheel was fool in use by harappans. 4 Harappans were wearing an ornaments of silver gold and precious stones.
Find the correct sentences
A= 1,2,3.
B= 1,2,3,4.
C= 3,4.
D= 1,2,4
ordinarily bronze was made by the smiths by mixing tin with copper brought from the mines of Rajasthan and Baluchistan. Tin was possibly brought from Afghanistan. The bronze tools and weapons recovered from harappan sites a piece of woven cotton has been recovered from mohenjodaro. Huge bricks structure suggest that boat making. The golds smith made jewellery of silver, gold and precious stones obtained from Afghanistan and south India.
Q 9
1 Harappan script was not alphabetical but mainly pictographic.
2 In weighing mostly 16 or it’s multiple were used by them.
3 The time period of Indus valley civilisation is between 2500BC TO1500BC.
4 The greatest artistic creation of harappan culture are the great seals.
Find the correct sentences
A= 1,2,3,4
Interestingly the tradition of 16 has continued in India till modern times and till recently 16 anas made one rupee. About 2000 seals have been found and of these great majority carry short inscription pictures of the one horned bull, the buffalo, the tiger, the rhino, the goat and the elephant
Q. 10 At which places Indus valley civilisation rice husks have been found?
B= 2,3
1 cemetery H and R37.
2 Coffin burial
3 granary
4 phallus worship .
1 Prepared garments
2 Temple like palace
3 pashupati seal
4 statue of dancing girl
5 ivory weight balance.
6 the great bath
7 priest king statue.
8 granary
Fire altar
2 boustrophedon style
3 wooden drainage
4 camels bone.
1 port town
2 evidence of rice
3 copper dog
Evidence of rice.
1horse bone
2 stone covered grave
1 Bangle factory
2 ink pot.
3 only city without citadel 4 carts with seated driver BALAKOT
Bangle factory
Dog buried with humans
2 oval pit burials
Only city with radial streets.
2 Toy plough
3 largest number of barley grains.
1Only site to be divided into three parts.
2 Giant water reservoir.
3 dams
4 stadium
5 Rock cut architecture.