MPSC Courses Available at A A Shah Young IAS

MPSC राज्य सेवा, गट-क, PSI, STI, ASO, पोलिस भरती, तलाठी, रेल्वे व इतर स्पर्धा परीक्षा ची तयारी Rs. 499 मध्ये. केवळ पहिल्या 100 उमेदवारांसाठी. ऑनलाइन थेट वर्ग. तज्ञ आणि अनुभवी शिक्षक. दोन दिवसात समाधानी नसल्यास पूर्ण परतावा मिळवा. आत्ता नोंदणी करा. तपशीलांसाठी ए ए शाह IAS शी संपर्क साधा 9004078746
1. 13 जुलै 2020 पासून नवीन MPSC ऑनलाइन बॅच सुरू होईल.
2. तज्ञ आणि अनुभवी शिक्षक.
3. तुम्ही फक्त 499 भरून सामील होऊ शकता.
4. दोन दिवसात समाधानी नसल्यास पूर्ण परतावा मिळवा.
5. पुढील कोणतीही रक्कम न भरता एका महिन्यासाठी व्याख्याने द्या.
6. जर तुम्हाला संपूर्ण एक वर्षाच्या बॅचसाठी नाव नोंदवायचे असेल तर तुम्हाला फी 17,500 भरावी लागेल.
7. आपण 27 जुलै पर्यंत प्रवेश घेतल्यास 20% सूट मिळेल.
8. ही ऑफर पहिल्या 100 उमेदवारांसाठी वैध आहे.
9. ही योजना विद्यार्थ्यांच्या हिताचे रक्षण करण्यासाठी आहे.
10. कोणत्याही स्पष्टीकरणासाठी आपण ए ए शाह आयएएस 9004078746 वर कॉल करू शकता
Register for MPSC Rajya Seva PSI-STI-ASO EXAM
Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) is a Constitutional Body established Under Article 315 of Constitution of India which provides a smooth and efficient functioning of the Government of Maharashtra (GoM) by providing suitable candidates for various Government posts and advise them on various service matters like formulation of Recruitment Rules (RR), advise on promotions, transfers and disciplinary actions etc. As per Article 320 of the Constitution of India, MPSC has been entrusted with the following major functions:-
1. To conduct examinations for appointments to the service of Government of Maharashtra and its allied organizations.
2. To advise the state Government on:
- Matters relating to methods of recruitment to the various services
- Suitability of candidates for appointment to the services through making promotions, deputations and nominations and transfers
- Disciplinary matters affecting Government servants;transfers
- Claims for reimbursement of legal expenses incurred by Government servants while defending legal proceedings instituted against them for acts done or purporting to be done in the execution of their duties.transfers
- Claims for award of injury/family pension to Government servants and;transfers
- Any other matter referred to them by the Governor;
3. In addition, in the State of Maharashtra, the Commission deals with the following matters:
- Under Section 80-B of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, the Commission have been entrusted with the responsibility of advising
- The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai regarding appointments to posts under the control of Corporation which are equivalent to or higher than the post Executive Engineer. And;
- The Mumbai Electric Supply and Transport undertaking regarding appointments to posts in Grade <96> A <96> II.
- Claims for reimbursement of legal expenses incurred by Government servants while defending legal proceedings instituted against them for acts done or purporting to be done in the execution of their duties.transfers
- To hold departmental examinations for certain Government Departments for employees of their Departments and advice Government regarding other matters pertaining to the examinations
Result of MPSC (Prelims 2019)

Congratulations Vidya More, Thane batch student (Marathi)

Congratulations Poorva Gogawale, Thane batch student (Marathi)

Congratulations Sankalp Bhalerao, Thane batch student (Marathi)